Glucose Tolerance Test – October 2005

My C-Peptide Test 2005

My C-Peptide Test 2005

Look closely at this test scan from October 18th, 2005, and you’ll see the number that many diabetics want to know the most, once you look past the sugars themselves.  It’s the C-Peptide level from that test.  And this C-Peptide level is pretty low.  The reference range for a “normal” C-Peptide on this test was between .9 and 6.3.  That’s shown in this “zoom out” of my October 2005 test results.  Given that reference range for C-Peptides on this test, .6 for a C-Peptide is pretty low.
MMD GTT 2005-10 C-Peptide.jpg
But despite my “low” C-Peptide levels, my fasting blood sugars were actually normal.  Which is interesting.  Here I was, eating a relatively low-carb, high-fat, adequate protein diet, and despite the fact I hadn’t gotten super-diligent about eating this way yet, my fasting blood sugars were still relatively normal.  Compare that to someone who comes to a doctor with blood sugars over 300, and with C-Peptide levels of .6.   THAT person is often told that the reason that their blood sugars are so high is because their C-Peptide levels are  low.  And yet, in 2005, with a C-Peptide level of .6, here way my fasting blood sugar level:
MMD GTT 2005-10-18 Fasting Glucose