Paul S’s Boca Burgers

This entry is part 12 of 14 in the series Low Carb Pot Luck

Paul’s Boca Burgers were part of a pot luck conducted by the Boulder Very Low Carb Diabetes Support Group, where we encouraged people to bring “tasting” size portions with no more than 5 grams carb in an actual serving, and smaller samples still for more tastings.  For a meal, you’d probably go for a larger serving.   We asked people to have fun with this, and do either quick and easy or something more gourmet.  Anything goes, as long as it’s low carb at this pot luck.

1 burger serves 1 person, with roughly 3 grams carb.

These are a great, quick, vegan option, bought straight from the store.  You just warm it up in a microwave or toaster oven and eat it.  These are low in fat, but you can increase the fat by drizzling on olive oil or using it in a meal with something else that’s high in fat.

Each original Vegan contains seven grams of total carb and six grams of fiber, so if you subtract out half the total fiber, it’s roughly four grams of carb per burger. The All-American contains six grams total carb and six grams fiber, which probably equals around three grams of digestible carb.

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